About Us
Company Profile
UStronics is an ISO certified firm in Northern Virginia which received the highest satisfaction ratings from its customers in accordance with surveys conducted by independent third party institutions such as D&B and others.
UStronics.com, Inc. was established as a corporation in the State of New York in March 2000 right at the start of a new millennium with all its challenges and promises. Since its debut, UStronics has come a long way and far exceeded its slogan “Be the First to Experience.”
As UStronics expanded, we opened an office in New Delhi, India in 2004. This office was established to tackle the information technology needs of the company which are essential to our operation. The creation of this office has significantly cut costs associated with production and enabled us to keep prices low and stay highly competitive, thus ensuring our long-term viability.
In 2005, UStronics acquired a new operational center in tech savvy Sterling, Virginia, and transferred its operations from New York to Northern Virginia. This location was strategically selected due to its close proximity to the government offices and contractors in the Washington DC metropolitan area.
In 2005, UStronics was awarded a contract by General Service Administration, GSA, involving the distribution of wireless and satellite products and services. As of November 2012, UStronics supplied over a few hundred new products to GSA at very competitive prices. This made UStronics one of the largest suppliers of satellite technology to the GSA and re-affirmed our reputation as one of the premier outlets for global satellite and wireless communications. We have since expanded our operations from satellite products and services into becoming a major provider of mobile application solutions to private businesses and government. In addition to performing as a wholesale and retail provider of satellite technologies, we offer extensive services that support high speed voice, data, and video communications with exceptional clarity over satellite connections. Moreover, we offer the most advanced communication technologies that are effectively used in the most difficult, inaccessible, and inhospitable places on earth. These include but are not limited to oceans, jungles, deserts, and mountainous terrains. The client base for these products is primarily government agencies, military, large business corporations, broadcasting companies, voyagers and individual travelers.
In 2010, UStronics made numerous advances in logistics as well as technology. Those advances included: (i) opening a new office in Dubai, which facilitates our services to Afghanistan and other Middle Eastern countries; (ii) opening a new operational hub in Kabul and developing and launching a social networking media service in Afghanistan; and (iii) connecting five major mobile network operators into a single SMS platform in Afghanistan.
In January 2011, UStronics officially started its operation in Afghanistan to provide wireless and mobile communications application in a relatively untapped market. It launched Paywast as an SMS based social networking project which has rapidly become the largest social networking media outlet in Afghanistan with nearly one million users and subscribers. The launch of Paywast has opened a number of new opportunities in mobile application development to offer solutions to numerous government and non-government institutions. In addition, UStronics has been working with several local banks, government agencies, airlines, media companies and NGOs to provide mobile and SMS based services to scale up their service delivery capabilities.
In October 2012, UStronics was awarded with a contract by MCIT to develop mobile-based applications for Mobile Government Service Delivery Platform known as mGov-SDP. This is a World Bank financed project with cross-cutting solutions to tackle existing and emerging needs of the Afghan Government ministries and departments. In an ambitious plan to boost the use of information technology, the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, MCIT of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan recently initiated the Mobile Governance (mGov) to improve both governance and service delivery across the country.
The core element of mGov is the Service Delivery Platform (SDP) which will be connected with all mobile operators in Afghanistan to facilitate the use of Voice/IVR, SMS, USSD, and mobile web services. In this project, UStronics is responsible to develop, implement, maintain and support SDP which consists of 30 mGov applications for nearly thirty government ministries and agencies. With completion of the mGov project, the ministries and departments connected to the SDP platform will be able to provide services in real time and with a significantly enhanced scale. The people who benefit from those services will no longer stand on queues and wait for days. Instead, they will receive the services at the comfort of their homes or offices using their mobile phones without paying any hidden fees.
Over the last years, UStronics expanded its services from a premiere online site for the wireless communications market for mobile phones and satellite technology into a pioneer for mobile solution providers in the regional market. As a result of our well thought out plans, we have achieved a solid base in market development that has led to our company’s impressive prestige both locally and internationally. Given our excellent reputation as a knowledgeable and reliable resource in the telecommunications market combined with enhanced strategic thinking and insight gained from years of experience in the business, we are confident that this will mark the beginning of a new era for us to become a global player and penetrate many more unexploited markets around the world.
With our high ethical standards and unmatched reputation, we are strategically positioning ourselves to meet our customers’ needs, fill the market’s gap and continue to innovate, revolutionize the telecommunications market and contribute to our local and global community as effectively as possible.
Our Vision
UStronics vision built around its slogan “Be the first to experience.” At UStronics we strive to provide our customers with the most innovative technologies and services available to enhance productivity, efficiency, and reliability.
Our Mission
UStronics core mission is to deliver innovative solutions and quality services to its customers by employing robust techniques and the most advanced technologies. To achieve excellence we have committed ourselves to provide viable responses to a variety of needs in our industry.
Mbillionth Excellence Award
UStronics/Paywast achieved another milestone on July 21-22, 2012 by winning the mBillionth excellence award as one of the premier mobile entertainment entities in South Asia. This year, the Award recognized excellence in 10 categories. UStronics/Paywast was selected for the mBillionth awards from among hundreds of participants from all across South Asia. It is a significant achievement for UStronics/Paywast to reach the world stage level by being recognized as one of the finest technology firm in the region.
The mBillionth Award South Asia was initiated three years ago by Digital Empowerment Foundation in collaboration with Vodafone to create synergy between hundreds of firms innovating new ways on how to make an impact on social and economic development. By recognizing the innovators, the mBillionth Award South Asia wants to encourage novelties in mobile technology, communication and outreach.
As a flagship organization in social media networking in Afghanistan, UStronics/Paywast participated in the Third mBillionth Award South Asia in May 2012 by sending its entry to the forum. In mid-July 2012, UStronics/Paywast was nominated for best mobile entertainment award and its top management was invited to participate in the event which was held in New Delhi. During the final selection, the seventeen member committee of a grand jury overseeing the award selection processes, declared UStronics/Paywast as the winner of mBillionth Award South Asia 2012 for best performance and best innovation in mobile entertainment. UStronics/Paywast was the only Afghan firm to be awarded for best service and innovation in mobile entertainment and mobile-based Value Added Services, VAS. In the last two years, UStronics/Paywast has been a leader in innovation in mobile technology and VAS which has opened new windows of opportunities for youth interaction, business development and m-commerce in Afghanistan.

Manthan Award
The Manthan Award, which is an annual technology awards event endorsed and sponsored by global heavyweights Vodafone and Intel, was held in New Delhi on December 1, 2012. Manthan Award recognizes technology oriented startups and growth companies based on outstanding commercial and technical performance. This year, 469 companies sent their entries for awards in 16 different categories from all across South Asia and Asia Pacific Region. A grand jury, made up of successful entrepreneurs, senior corporate executives and members of leading technology groups, screened and voted best performing nominees. Paywast, a UStronics wholly-owned subsidiary in Afghanistan, was declared winner in the category of “e-business & Enterprise” for excellence and innovative solutions in mobile based services. Paywast enables Afghan enterprises, media companies, organizations and government agencies to use mobile technology to reach out to customers, users and audiences in a country where only a small percentage of citizens have access to internet, but more than 65% of citizens own a mobile phone.
This is the second award in a row that Paywast wins from two renowned international mobile competition forums concerned with excellence in mobile communication and services. For more information on Manthan Awards winners, please visit: http://manthanaward.org

Mobile Excellence Award
UStronics and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Paywast reached a world stage level by becoming finalist in the category of Best International in California based Mobile Excellence Award program. A UStronics representative who visited Marina Del Rey, a bustling town in the suburb of Los Angeles, on October 18, 2012 said: “UStronics and Paywast success to reach the finalist stage is a great news for UStronics as it competed with some of the multi-billion dollar, fortune five hundred US and international firms in the most coveted and influential award program in the industry. This credit goes to both UStronics and Paywast teams who won this award together.”
The Mobile Excellence Awards represents all walks of the mobile ecosystem from start-ups and content providers to entertainment, sports, apps and handsets in an industry where innovations have become part of a routine.
For more information on Mobile Excellence Award, please visit: http://mobilexawards.com/index.php/mobile-excellence-awards-announces-2012-finalists/

UStronics Achieved ISO Certification
On August 27, 2012, UStronics was approved for ISO 9001:2008 Certification by British Standards Institute, BSI, a world class institute and a premier certification body in the UK and Ireland, with offices in more than 140 countries including the United States, Canada and Brazil. This certification is backed by the American Association of Accreditation Board, ANAB which conducts audit of Certification Bodies across the United States.
The ISO 9001:2008 exclusively deals with quality management systems and designed to help organizations ensure that they meet customers as well as statutory and regulatory requirements related to the product. The standards are published by ISO, the International Organization for Standards and assessed through national standards bodies across countries.
UStronics’ ISO 9001:2008 certification indicates the company’s extra focus on quality management system and re-affirms its commitment to maintain such high standards for the long run.