Aviation Market
Business Aviation
Business aviation can always be improved, and one of the best ways that a company may improve its aviation capabilities would be to employ satellite systems on its aircraft. Satellite technology can allow passengers to remain connected to the internet while flying.

Commercial Aviation
Satellite technology, which includes satellite internet, can be used effectively in cargo aircraft. Satellite internet can allow aircrew to have an additional layer of communication between them, the ground, and other aircraft. It can also be used by the crew in the cockpit to get updates about weather conditions, ensuring better safety.
Helicopter SATCOM
Satellites can be used by helicopter pilots and crew as a means of communicating with other aircraft in their vicinity and
ground personnel. There are indeed other options available for this purpose, like radio, butSATCOM is still useful for a wide range of scenarios.

Reliable cockpit Connectivity
Many aircraft, especially smaller planes, designed to hold a small number of passengers or light cargo, can benefit from the use of satellite technology in their cockpits.
Satellite internet can be used by pilots to gain up to date information on weather conditions, as well as an additional method of determining the proximity of other planes in the area. Satellites can also be used by aircraft for communication in a wide variety of places, places where radio may not reach.
Passenger connectivity
One of the best ways that passenger comfort can be
maintained is to provide passengers with a means of connecting to the internet while they are aboard. Passengers can use the internet for entertainment, for work, or any other purpose while they are aboard their flight.

High Bandwidth Demond
Satellite internet can often be slow, especially when
compared to terrestrial internet connections. Still, advances have made it possible to meet the demand for a more substantial amount of bandwidth for use on aircraft. High bandwidths have multiple advantages, like being able to browse the internet more quickly and do things like
stream video.